Artificial Intelligence (AI) Agile Finance PD Courses for CPAs

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Agile Finance Series is our new series of courses focusing on the digital disruption CPAs are facing in their businesses. It covers topics like Data Analytics, Robotic Process Automation and AI.

We have 4 courses in the AI Agile Finance series.

Unlock the Power of AI and ChatGPT - CPA CPD - Advantage Montreal Seminars Inc.

Course 3082: Unlock the Power of AI

As the accounting landscape evolves, AI technologies are playing a pivotal role in reshaping traditional practices. This course delves into the intersection of AI and accounting, equipping CPAs with the knowledge to navigate this transformative journey. This also brings ethical challenges.

Topics covered:

  • Ethics (2 hours)
  • AI Basics for Accountants - Understand machine learning, natural language processing and neural networks; Practical examples of AI applications in accounting
  • AI in Financial Reporting and Auditing - AI-driven data extraction and analysis of financial statements; Auditing techniques using AI algorithms
  • Recognize the influence of AI on Accounting - Understand how AI impacts the workplace and its implications for the future of accounting; Explore AI applications in financial reporting, auditing and decision-making
  • Leverage AI for Advisory Services: Discover how AI enhances advisory services provided to clients; Identify opportunities to leverage AI-driven insights for strategic decision support
  • Increase Profitability Through AI: Analyze how AI adoption can lead to increased efficiency, accuracy, and profitability for accounting departments


Navigate Cyber Risks: Defending Data in the Digital Age - CPA-CPD- Advantage Montreal Seminars -

Course 3083: Navigate Cyber Risks: Defending Data in the DIgital Age

Cyber crime increased by over 500% during the pandemic. Many financial leaders are tasked with overseeing computer security, which is typically outsourced. Recall the maxim, trust but verify. Why do we not inspect those we pay to manage our cybersecurity? How many backup plans should we have? Verizon reports that 44% of all data breaches by companies with less than 1,000 employees were caused by malicious employees. How to test for security? Is insurance enough? What is the ‘worst thing that could happen’ and how to prepare for it? We will review a multi-step plan on how to enhance your data integrity. Be prepared, because at the end of day – you will be held accountable and responsible for cybersecurity.

Topics covered:

  • Identifying weaknesses within your cybersecurity
  • What are some of the more common threats?
  • Understand your most vulnerable risk – your employees, including you
  • How, where, and how many backup plans
  • Is an IT Disaster Recovery plan sufficient?
  • The pros and cons of the cloud
  • Do we truly understand our cyber-insurance policy?
  • The need for a method to shut everything down immediately
  • How cybersecurity is not for IT alone, it is crucial for the entire organization


Reinvent Finance Role - Advantage Montreal Seminars Inc.

Course 3071: Reinventing the Finance Role in a Digital World

Given current technology trends, it seems fair to say that Accounting and Finance professionals will be working in a vastly different finance department in the not-so-distant future—both in terms of who will be doing the work and how that work will get done. In fact, many finance leaders are already preparing for a future where finance “talent” comes in multiple forms.

  • The Mindset for Digital Transformation
  • How to Attain a World-Class Financial Close
  • Data Transformation: The ROI to Automation
  • Finance Data Analytics - From Data to Value
  • The Agile Finance Team
  • Budgeting and Financial Reporting in a Digital World
  • Reimagine the CPA in a Digital World
  • Digital Transformation
  • Lessons Learned from Transitioning to a Cloud-Based Solution
Top Digital Disruptors meeting-5395615_1280_4 reduced

Course 3072: Top 3 Disruptors Facing CPAs

According to the World Economic Forum:

  • In 10 years time, 50% of jobs will be changed by automation - but only 5% eliminated.
  • 9 out of 10 jobs will require digital skills.

The top disruptors facing the CPA profession are: RPA, AI and data analytics. This course delves into these topics. Participants will walk away with an understanding of the following topics:

  • How to become a digital transformation champion
  • Top Trends Changing the Accounting Function
  • Disruption from Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
  • Disruption from Data Analytics
  • Disruption from AI & Machine Learning
  • Integrating Data Analytics, RPA, AI and Machine Learning Intelligent Automation
  • Intelligent Automation Applications
  • Data Analytics to Detect Common Fraud Schemes and Improve Internal Controls
  • Data Analytics in the Accounting Department
  • Data Analytics Tests to Detect Anomalies
  • Intelligent Automation in the Tax Department